Friday, September 7, 2007

President of the Complainer's Club

I've been doing some self-analysis lately based on things that a few people have (repeatedly) told me. Namely, that I'm a complainer. Telling someone they are "such a complainer" and then saying things like, "it's cute" or "it's endearing" or "but I love you" doesn't really make the person hearing this statement feel any better. I'd actually label that as "passive-aggressive" yet I don't go around calling people that (but maybe I should start now). Neither is telling them that they are "too sensitive." (Although, I'd much rather be labeled a sensitive person than a chronic complainer).

Research on this subject (and we all know I like to research things) indicates the following:

com·plain·er, noun (from
1. person who expresses dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; finds fault: He complained constantly about the noise in the corridor; therefore, he's a complainer.
2. person who talks of one's pains, ailments, etc.: She complained of a backache.
3. person who makes a formal accusation: If you think you've been swindled, complain to the police.

com·plain·er, noun (from
A type of person whose only way of speaking is through non-stop complaining.
See also: whiner, crybaby, cry baby, bitch, bitchy, moaner, aktard, annoying, asshole, crierbate/cryerbate/cryurbate, immature, infantile, unreasonable.


Non-complainer: Hey man what's up? Did you have a good breakfast?

Complainer: Good breakfast? Let me tell you about my good breakfast. First, I slipped on a sock getting out of bed which caused me to slightly graze my shoulder, and then of course I almost, ALMOST, tripped down the stairs, thank God my brother's f'ing dirty laundry, which I asked him to take care of yesterday, was there on the stairs to almost start the whole tripping fiasco. That's how my breakfast was!!!

Non-complainer: Well...

Complainer: I had Pop-Tarts, by the way, and they were awful.

Research from The University of Central Missouri also says, "The reason you may be stuck in a negative thought pattern right now is that at some point, you chose it. You figured the alternative of accepting full responsibility for everything in your reality would be worse."

These things are really quite harsh, so yeah, it stings to hear that's how people see me. I will admit that when talking to friends or family EVERYONE talks about both the good and the bad in our lives. Perhaps SINGLE people come across as complaining more frequently to everyone, while our MARRIED friends complain in the privacy of their homes to their spouses. I will also admit that I have complained a lot lately about the pain I have in my leg (more on that in a future post), but apparently it's complaining to tell your COACH and fellow TRAINING PARTNERS that you have an injury. I guess a non-complainer simply suffers in silence.

When my dad recently had a heart attack, I barely talked about it except quitely to a very few people (namely, because it was very difficult). THAT would be something to complain about. I guess complainers don't get any make-up points when they don't actually complain. Hmph.

I do know one thing for certain and that is I'm not CHOOSING to be a complainer. Ironically, I have chosen to hang out with people who keep telling me I'm a complainer. Now, isn't that wonderful!!!??? I am such a lucky girl! WOOT!

1 comment:

MW said...

screw'em. be yourself, and be strong.
: )

people tell me that too. I just tell them they're not as intelligent as I am, and don't the "easily fixable" flaws that I see.