Saturday, May 24, 2008


I'm sore from my 57 mile ride today. It was hilly, too, so that sure didn't help things. (Note: I was reading a race course description that said the bike leg was "extremely difficult with significant hills." Yet, when I compared it to the ride today it simply looked like a speedbump!)

My body is soooo tired, but my mind is wide awake & alert, which renders any attempt at a nap completely useless. I'm now trying some beer, so perhaps that will help. Even with sunscreen, my back is almost purple from sunburn. It doesn't hurt (yet) but is a perfect outline of my jersey. Completely sexy, I know... I can't even think about what it would look like if it there hadn't been any clouds this morning!

Tomorrow I will attempt a run in my new shoes with my new inserts after giving my cortizone shot enough "rest." I saw a podiatrist on Wednesday for my heel pain, and she said it's definitely plantars fasciitis. GREEAAAAT. Shin splints are gone and now this! She gave me some stretching instructions, along with a recommendation on some inserts. I have been wearing the same shoe make/model (or variation) for about 8 years, but after some careful analysis with the inserts I decided to switch. I also got a cortizone shot in my heel to, as she put it, "break the pain cycle." The doc recommended a running break for a couple of days to allow the cortizone to do it's thing. The weird thing about this plantars business, at least for me, is that I have absolutely zero pain WHILE running. It's only afterwards and then I'm limping like, well, like someone in pain. I'm really hoping tomorrow I see some little signs of improvement.

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