Monday, December 8, 2008

Phantom Pains & More Head Games

Okay, so the plantars "marble" I have in my heel isn't really phantom. It's there. And today, Ann (my RMT) found it. Yowza. It's actually been there for months. This is how it plays out:

Run - no pain
Day off - serious pain, ice, elevate
Run - medium pain
Day off - serious pain, ice, elevate
Run - no pain

I just need to figure out what part of that pain cycle I will be in on Sunday... I was talking to my PT, and while he is not a fan of cortisone shots (and neither am I), he said I may need one more for the head games that the plantars is causing me. We'll see... although I do feel like I need crutches half the time. I'm also never really aware of the achilles aches & calf adhesions I have going on until I get a massage. Why can't I have physiology that doesn't involve all this??? I mean, come on!

I have my carbo plan for the week, and the hydration has begun. And I've got all sorts of mental lists of things to take to Dallas. It's actually a small list, but the anticipation has me thinking of this list CONSTANTLY.

Oh, and I found my keys. Yipee!

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