Day started off getting up about an hour earlier than I thought. Didn't have my watch on, and tried to "guess" by the daylight. Mistake.
After a lovely cup of coffee and some breakfast, Sugar and I set out to Vallecito Lake. The lake wasn't exactly what I had expected. When we passed it on our way to the cabin earlier this week, I just thought it was the time of day that had the lake so quiet. Turns out, that's pretty much how the lake is. Primarily a fishing lake, there wasn't a lot of activity. Lake level is also pretty low - so low in fact that the marina & boat docks are not even near the water. The beach is pretty rocky, and given Sugar's love of all things rocks (she likes to make piles of them, chase them when I throw them, dig them up, etc.) she was in heaven. The lake is full of rainbow & brown trout, northern pike, and Kokanee salmon. Saw a couple of fishing boats, and met a couple of men from Durango who were in for a morning catch.
Then we jumped in the car & drove around the lake. Saw a couple of wandering horses, which didn't seem right, but then again, I'm not from around here. Drove by a lodge I had almost stayed at and I am SO GLAD THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT. It was really run down, and given the low lake level, the "right on the water" selling point would have been a true disappointment.
After some lunch, we set out for another hike from a different trailhead to the Weminuche Wilderness. Didn't get very far as the dark and ominous clouds rolled in with serious thunder, and when the posted signs say to stay away from ledges and peaks during thunderstorms. Ummmm...yeah.
Late this afternoon we hiked back to Vallecito Creek, and Sugar chased more thrown rocks, dug some up from the creek bed and sand, and splashed around in the water. I simply relished the soothing sounds and cool air.
Tomorrow we leave. Travels will take us through Durango, Santa Fe, Clovis, Lubbock, Sweetwater, Abilene, and Lampasas. Basically, the same way we came out here. It will be a bummer to leave, but given I want to spread the drive back over two days and would rather have most of Sunday to unload, unpack, and get my head around going back to work Monday (among other things) then it has to be tomorrow.
i must hear more about this sugarcam when you get back.
If I could recommend a good restaurant in Sweetwater I would. Sadly, there are none.
Looks like a fun trip so far though!
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