Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Before we left for the Medina, we had another amazing lunch and an early tea. Today tea was served with Baghrir crepes, which are like a flat sponge cake, served warm & topped with butter and honey.

Then we were off for some shopping. Crowded and full of interesting things, strange smells and even some sort of peaceful protest from some graduate students, the Medina was not lacking in sensory stimulation. I picked up a few gifts for others and for me. I'm very interested in the food and afternoon tea, so I picked up a tea kettle and a tagine. I also got a lantern and some other trinkets. I REALLY want to get one of the ornate Moroccan carved wood doors and fashion it into a headboard or something, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I'll get it home. There are a few more things I want to purchase, but I'll be here several more days and will also have a chance to go to the Medina in Fez on Friday, so there's time.

Bargaining is big here, and it's a tough balance between getting robbed and insulting the vendor. Of course, they like to negotiate, so if you don't even try they're insulted, as well. Rule of thumb is to always start lower (Rabat about 70% of the asking price, Fez is more like 40% of the pricd price because there are more tourists and prices are higher). There are exceptions on bargaining for things that have prices set by the government, like the tea kettles for example.

I have been told to say "La" or "no" to anyone on the street offering to do Henna. Street vendors put lots of chemicals in the Henna which is bad for your skin and general health. Khadija, the house manager here, can do it so I might ask her.
Of course, then we returned home in perfect timing for a fantastic dinner. Mmm....

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