Thursday, June 14, 2007

Snakes & Guns

My friend, Adam, said something really funny today at lunch. He just built a new house in San Marcos on 2.5 acres of land (he grew up in San Marcos, so that's a "normal" area for him). Because of all the land, he bought a riding lawnmower, but mainly he got it because of the beer holder. Either it's a really cool beerholder, or he's never seen one before. Anyway, he was saying that when he first mowed, he was clearing out a lot of the tall grass on his property and he saw a few snakes - probably just grass snakes, but he's incredibly afraid of snakes. Naturally, he was glad he had the riding lawnmower so he could lift up his feet.

He said that now he knows there are snakes out there, whenever he mows he takes a sawed off shotgun and straps it to his riding lawnmower with a couple of bungee cords. He admitted that he must look really "hick" whenever he mows. I would agree. I bet his neighbors are really happy to have welcomed him to the neighborhood.

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