Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Hangover Didn't Stop Me

So, yesterday after work there was a going away happy hour for a girl at my office. I've worked with her for about 5 years, and while it's sad to see good colleagues go, she's on to bigger and better things. Plus, did I mention there was a happy hour at Billy's on Burnet! I love the veggie mushroom burger there, and well, the Live Oak Hefeweizen. After a fond farewell, it was off to Stacey's house for some margaritas. Very yummy. Problem was they were too yummy. Which leads me to this morning's workout...

At 6:30am the alarm went off and as I rolled over contemplating my run clinic which was to start at 7:30am, I thought simply, "No." Head was talking to me a little, and we have been forecasted for a FULL DAY of wonderful weather, so where's the harm in a little more sleep? Quick email to Tim & Dionn that I would ride later, and then I was back in bed.

Finally got the workout started at 10:30am and by 1:30pm I was over at Jack & Adam's to pick up some supplies, order something & get a quick adjustment to the bike (and a good chain cleaning!).

While I was off to a slow start, I did manage a 32 mi bike ride followed with a 3.5 mile run. At mile 25, as I was riding past the parents' house in Lost Creek, got a water bottle refill (thanks, Dad), and then at mile 26 rode past some girls selling cookies & lemonade to benefit a charity. Perfect timing! Overall, this was an ideal distance workout for a slow start. Oh, and this weather is AMAZING!!

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