Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm From Here

I am from my banana seat bike and roller skating, from Cheerios, Barbie Dolls and dinner at Grandma’s.

I am from Travis Country, playing in the creek, crawfish hunts, and turtle watching. From walks to school, Brownie troop sleepovers and camping in Oklahoma.

I am from the the Little Apple, the Gateway to the West, Big D, and the Big Apple. I am from flower beds, and Austin’s Garden. I'm from all my travels that have shown me incredible beauty.

I am from big birthday celebrations and fierce loyalty. I’m from Mom, Nana, Maggie, and Grandpa Les. I'm from a step-father's love. I'm from Shemp, Puppy, Thomas, Brawny, Joe, Cocoa, Muffin, Tess, Duke, Abby, Ellie, Lucy, Sophie, and especially Big Man Austin.

I am from passion for things that matter, thoroughness in completing a task, and my love for animals.

From "I love you’s" and "I’m sorry’s," from heartbreak and loss. I am from tickle fights and building forts in the living room.

I am from the Sign of the Cross, Vivian's Bible, Namaste and charity.

I am from Austin, Tex-Mex, fried okra, and red velvet cake.

I am from my childhood days with Grandpa doing word puzzles and feeding the chickens, and the old tire swing. I am from championship dance competitions, Jaye’s Westlake band performances and her first half-marathon. I am from Katie’s dance shows and marathon, our annual Turkey Trot tradition, and "sister stacks."

I am from scrapbooks, achievement ribbons, DAR, and one-of-a-kind handmade dolls. I'm from the orange elephant quilt, the kitty-cat blanket, and my signature quilt. I'm from my memories that fill my heart until there's no more room.

I was inspired to write my version of this poem by my friend, Jane. If you would like to create your version, you can find instructions here.


Jane said...

Thanks, Shorey. I love reading your story.

kt said...

What a thoughtful entry for your blog, Shorey. I may just be tired, but I teared. Love you.