Sunday, July 6, 2008

Howdy Du Race Report

Sunday was the 2nd of 3 races in the Texas Du Series, the Howdy Du. I've only done one duathlon prior to this one, and it was a last-minute decision to race this one at all. But I decided that I would probably be doing a brick workout anyway, and I need the race-day jitters practice periodically. Plus I really like the name "Howdy Du" so why not?? I remember hearing Panther say last year that in general, duathletes are FAST. For the last 2 days I kept having a mental image of Panther swirling in my head repeating that over and over and over. So, my only goal was to not embarrass myself.

My pre-race brick on Saturday morning went very good. I decided I would do a quick 1mi run, 4mi bike, 1mi run. My run times were the fastest I've ever run, with a 7:51 and a 7:41 respectively. I have NEVER run that fast before. EVER. So, for all of you out there who regularly run that pace, imagine improving by about 1 minute in the last 6 months after coming off an injury. I hoped this was a sign for a good race.

I was the first to arrive in transition on race day at 5:45am and snagged prime real estate in the first rack at the bike in/out. I kept feeling like I was forgetting something, and then I realized it was my swim cap & goggles! Obviously, those aren't needed in a duathlon - I guess I'm so used to triathlons! I chatted with Tim & Carri as they volunteered, then buddied up with Glenda & Suellen for some positive energy. I ran into Tim H & Rhonda, and then saw Missy, as well. Glenda and I did one loop of the 1.5mi trail for a warmup at a decent clip. I asked Glenda about her du strategy & she commented that the biggest mistake you can do is go out too fast on the first run. So, with that in my back pocket, we were split into 2 waves. I was with the 39 & under group, which headed out first.

My first loop of the run course was, you guessed it: too fast. I didn't feel like it was too fast. I wasn't really passing anyone and more importantly, no one was really passing me. When I checked my split I was at a 7:50 pace! That would probably hurt later, so I slowed a bit for the 2nd loop. Then it was onto the bike (this is where Glenda passed me). I really tried to push it and stay aero, but there's always that voice that reminds you there's still another run to do. After two bike loops, I felt pretty good, and then it was back to transition to head out for the 2nd run. Not as fast as the first, but I kept thinking about my form. I found a good rhythm for my breathing, which was important because when I go anaerobic I start wheezing & inevitably panic. I wasn't as fast on this run, but I was still pleased.

Overall Stats:
3mi run - 24:09 (8:01 avg pace)
T1 - 1:02
17mi bike - 56:13 (18.1 mph pace)
T2 - :56
3mi run - 26:04 (8:41 avg pace)
Gender Overall Place - 14th
Age Group - 1st

At first it looked like I might have been the only person in my age group, but when I found out there were at least 3 of us I was relieved it wasn't a "default win." But either way, I earned it. I have been diligent in my training, and I pushed hard the entire race. When I have volunteered at races and have cheered my friends on in the past, I've always wondered why they don't always wave & yell back. And now I know. If you're pushing hard enough, you can't muster a single sound in response (sorry, Michelle!)

Thanks to everyone who was out there volunteering & cheering: Tim, Carri, Glenda, Suellen, Tim, Rhonda, Michelle, Panther & Dash, and countless others I don't know or just met. Thanks to my family, whom I know where there in spirit. Thanks to Austin Duathletes & New Belgium for the great beer. And thanks to Raul & Run-Far for putting on a great race in a lovely park!


Erin said...

kick ass, girl!!! that is awesome. you've put in the work, it's great to see it paying off! :)

MW said...

1st place AG!!!
hell yeah!

way to go!

Slingshot said...

You rocked it! You really looked strong on the run, whatever you've been doing has worked. And you kept telling me you just wanted to not embarrass yourself :)

Lulu said...

Great work Shorey!!!

Unknown said...

Way to go Shorey!!!