Monday, October 6, 2008

Reunion & Other Updates

The big news for me this weekend is that it was my 20th year high school reunion. We have had one every five years since graduation & I think I only missed one. In the past, I think the most we ever had actually show for a reunion was 70 or so. This year was definitely the exception. SO many people, so many bevvies & so much fun!

We had a weekend with 3 "official" events, at the low-low price of only $38.88 (a number concocted by one of our co-class presidents who wheeled & dealed to get the number low, and then chose 38 since most of us are 38 years old, and 88 since that's the year we graduated). In years past, I'm pretty sure our higher costs for the weekend were a big deterrent.

Friday night was Scholz's. I can't believe how many people were there! So fantastic to catch up with people, but I had neglected to practice my response to the "so, what have you been doing?" question. Naturally, that is the ONE question that everybody asks, so I stumbled at first trying to say things that were somewhat interesting. I am so impressed with the number of business owners, presidents/vice presidents, moms/dads, and successes we have achieved as a class. I felt proud although I have absolutely nothing to do with everyone's achievements. I guess you just always want people to succeed. Everyone looks great! I had gone into the weekend expecting some folks to be unrecognizable, but that was not the case at all. The women look fantastic! To my surprise, I was even nominated for 2 awards, "Christie Brinkley Award" & the "Most Eligible Bachelorette."

It was interesting to me that some gals who were wild in high school are now moms, very conservative and tame. Others are exactly the same as they were before. Some cliques still group themselves together, although that seemed to be most popular with those whose spouses weren't there. But for the most part, those things of the past had no meaning anymore. People were so willing to have conversations with everyone. Some people I recall knowing in high school but either not very well, or I have no recollection of exactly HOW we knew each other...did we have a class together? who dated whom? etc. I stayed out entirely too late on Friday night dancing with people who I never really knew well in high school, but again, none of the old days mattered too much.

Saturday afternoon, I opted not to go to Round Rock for the family fun. This was really geared towards the kids, I think. Plus, I didn't feel all that well from the night before...

Saturday night we had a private party at the Tap Room at Six. It was really a lot of fun. Got a little crazy toward the end of the night when the music got too loud, dancing got too robust (think getting whacked a few times by someone in the center of the room). It seemed, in general, to be a little more subdued than I had imagined it would be. But again, lots of folks really partied it up on Friday. And then it could have just been me since I was volunteering at Longhorn.

Being out at the race was really fun. I even ran a bit with a friend I had met in Cancun who was there racing. He did remarkably well considering he was barely recovered from Cancun.

So, that brings me to today. I believe the combination of lack of sleep for the past 3 days, all the dust I inhaled yesterday, and all the screaming/yelling I did for friends racing, my voice is a bit scratchy and my throat hurts. The fun I had, though, is worth feeling a bit under the weather. I wouldn't change any bit of this weekend.

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